Laparoscopic management of haemorrhage_Tae Joong K ...
Laparoscopic management of haemorrhage_Tae Joong Kim_Xhenzhen - DO NOT USE
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Video Transcription
Dr. Kim, do you want to go ahead and start? Yes. Okay. Can you hear me? Yes. Yes. Perfect. Hello, everyone. I'm TJ Kim from Samsung Medical Center. Thank you for having me today. Yeah, three and a half years ago, I visited HKU for the Cardinal workshop as a faculty. I also learned a lot. It was a nice time. We made good memories. I'm sorry, sorry for that, my computer. No worries, it's fine. This happens all the time.
Video Summary
Dr. Kim, do you want to go ahead and start? Yes. Okay. Can you hear me? Yes. Yes. Perfect. Hello, everyone. I'm TJ Kim from Samsung Medical Center. Thank you for having me today. Yeah, three and a half years ago, I visited HKU for the Cardinal workshop as a faculty. I also learned a lot. It was a nice time. We made good memories. I'm sorry, sorry for that, my computer. No worries, it's fine. This happens all the time.
Dr. Kim
Samsung Medical Center
Cardinal workshop
for assistance.