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2020 Annual Global Meeting: Virtual
2020 Annual Global Meeting: Virtual
Fully virtual event, held September 10-13, 2020
Course includes master and plenaries sessions, see information for sessions below.
Speaker & Presentation Information
Master Session: Cervix Cancer
Kathleen Moore
Histologic Subtypes & Molecular Features
Jalid Sehouli
Alexandra Taylor
State of the Science in Radiation Therapy:
Linda Mileshkin
Addition Systemic Therapy to Radiation
Leslie Randall
Firstline Treatment of Metastatic Disease
Krishnansu Tewari
Second-Line Metastatic Disease
Marie Plante
Clinical Care in Under-Resourced Settings & How To Start A Clinical Trials Program
Master Session: Ovarian Cancer
Martin Koebel
How to Subclassify Ovarian Carcinoma into Hystotypes & Molecular Subtypes?
Sven Mahner
TRUST Update
Dennis Chi
NACT Proponent: Anna Fagotti (Italy); PDS Proponent
Robert Coleman
Vignette Presentation
David O’Malley
HRD Positive
Shannon Westin
Rosalind Glasspool
Platinum Sensitive Recurrence at 12 Months: What’s next? Who Benefits from PARP in the Recurring Setting?
Charlie Gourley
Molecular Testing for Initial Therapy; Beyond BRCA
Brad Nelson
Biomarkers for Immunotherapy Response
Master Session: Uterine Cancer
Edward Tanner
Sentinel LN is Positive on Frozen Section: Full Dissection vs "Why did I Send for Frozen?
Emma Rossi
Sufficient Evidence to Implement SLN in Women with EC, High Risk Histology - Risk of Missing Paraaortic LN Metastases
Andrea Mariani
Case Set Up with Controversy
Marie Plante
What to do with ITC and Micro Metastasis in SLN on Final Pathology
Floor Backes
No Need for Adjuvant Treatment or Send for the Chemo & Radiation? Or in the Middle?
Jessica McAlpine & Remi Nout
Debate: Molecular Profiling for Postop Risk Stratification & Adjuvant Treatment Decisions of Women with Early Stage EC
Mansoor Mirza
Where are We Today & Where are We Going in the Treatment of Women with Advanced/Recurrent EC?
Master Session: Vulvar Cancer
Joanne de Hullu
Current Insights in the Etiology & Pathogenesis of Vulvar Cancer: HPV Infection - Predisposing Conditions - Premalignant Disease - Overt Malignancy
Maaike Oonk & Nadja Dornhöfer
Debate: Early Stage Vulvar Cancer: An Overview of Current Standard of Surgical Care vs Cancer Field Surgery for Vulvar Carcinoma as Alternative Approach
Linn Wölber
Role of Adjuvant Therapy in Primary Treatment of Vulvar Cancer
Plenary I: Oral Abstract Presentation
Jonathan Ledermann
Avelumab in combination with and/or following chemotherapy vs chemotherapy in treatment-naive patients with ovarian cancer: biomarker analyses from the phase 3 JAVELIN Ovarian 100 trial
Antonio González-Martín
Efficacy and Safety of Lenvatinib Plus Pembrolizumab in Patients with Previously Treated Ovarian Cancer in the Multicohort Phase 2 LEAP-005 Study
Johanne Weberpals
Postprogression Efficacy Outcomes From the Phase 3 ARIEL3 Study of Rucaparib in Patients With Platinum-Sensitive Recurrent Ovarian Carcinoma Associated With Either BRCA1 or BRCA2 Mutations
Kathleen Moore
Plenary II: Oral Abstract Presentation
Emily Thompson
Refining Pathologic Interpretation of Endometrial Carcinomas: Lessons Learned from a Nationwide Study in a new Era of Molecular Classification
Soyoun Rachel Kim
Understanding the clinical implication of mismatch repair deficiency in endometrioid endometrial cancer through a prospective study
Emily Thompson
Variation in practice in endometrial cancer (EC); can molecular classification direct care and reduce costs associated with management?
Maria Cusimano
Sentinel lymph node biopsy versus lymphadenectomy for intermediate and high grade endometrial cancer staging (SENTOR trial): A prospective multicenter cohort study
Salvatore Gueli Alletti
A multicentric randomized trial to evaluate the ROle of uterine MANipulator on laparoscopic/robotic HYsterectomy for the treatment of low-risk endometrial cancer: the ROMANHY Trial (NCT:02762214)
Morcos Nakhla
Frailty is Independently Associated with Worse Outcomes and Increased Resource Use Following Procedures to Treat Endometrial Cancer
Plenary III: Oral Abstract Presentations
Isle Baeten
The learning curve of robot-assisted laparoscopy has impact on the oncological outcomes of early stage cervical cancer patients
Andrea Mariani
Oncologic Outcomes and Role of Adjuvant Therapy in Endometrial Cancer Patients with Low Volume Metastasis in the Sentinel Lymph Nodes: An International Multi-Institutional Study
Robert Holloway
Oncolytic Vaccinia (Olvi-Vec) Primed Immunochemotherapy in Platinum Resistant/Refractory Ovarian Cancer
Whitney Graybill
Efficacy on Individualized Starting Dose (ISD) and Fixed Starting Dose (FSD) of Niraparib per Investigator-Assessment (IA) in Newly Diagnosed Advanced Ovarian Cancer (OC)
Asima Mukhopadhyay
Presidential Plenary IV
Roberto Angioli
Presidential Address
Elisabeth Baugh
World Ovarian Cancer Coalition Global Ovarian Cancer Charter Launch
Dicey Jackson Scroggins
Global Outreach & Engagement Initiatives of the International Gynecologic Cancer Society
Roberto Angioli
Business Meeting
Plenary V: Oral Abstract Presentations
Nobumichi Nishikawa
Phase II trial evaluating efficacy and safety of standard of care with or without bevacizumab in platinum-resistant epithelial ovarian, fallopian tube, or primary peritoneal cancer
Rodney Rocconi
Randomized Double-Blind Placebo Controlled Trial of Frontline Maintenance Vigil Immunotherapy (VITAL study) in Stage III/IV Ovarian Cancer: Efficacy Assessment in BRCA1/2-wt Patients
Angeles Alvarez Secord
Quality-adjusted (QA) progression-free survival analyses of veliparib + carboplatin/paclitaxel (CP) vs CP alone in patients with newly diagnosed ovarian cancer: Angeles Alvarez Secord (USA)
Gilles Freyer
Safety and patient-reported outcomes in patients receiving niraparib in the PRIMA/ENGOT-OV26/GOG-3012 trial
Philipp Harter
Efficacy of maintenance olaparib plus bevacizumab by biomarker status in clinical higherand lower-risk patients with newly diagnosed, advanced ovarian cancer in the PAOLA-1 trial
Member Benefit
This course is an IGCS member benefit.
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2020 Annual Global Meeting: Virtual Course List
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Best of IGCS 2022 Annual Global Meeting
Curated selection of sessions from IGCS 2022 Annual Global Meeting.
$42.00 - $302.00
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2021 Annual Global Meeting: Virtual
Includes master and plenary sessions.
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Upper Abdominal Surgery for Ovarian Cancer - Surgical Film Festival
$0.00 - $50.00
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Interactive Updates on Selected Topics in Gynecology Oncology - Ovarian
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Identification of Sentinel Lymph Nodes During Endometrial Cancer Surgery
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An Evolving Frontier: Endometrial Cancer Treatment
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Ovarian Cancer Surgery - Surgical Film Festival
$0.00 - $50.00
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International Gynecologic Cancer Society and International Journal of Gynecological Cancer Evidence-Based Medicine for Gynecological Oncology Curriculum (EBM on the GO)
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Newly Opened Phase 3 Study for Low Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer - Webinar
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Learning Activity Title
Moving Towards Personalized Therapy in Endometrial Cancer
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