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International Journal of Gynecological Cancer
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International Journal of Gynecological Cancer
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Contains (213)
Andre Lopes didactic
Breaking Bad News_Michael Pearl_Mar 2022
Brain Metastases from Gynecologic Malignancies PDF
Research Meeting 8.10.2023
Clinical Evaluatin of Breast Findings
Management of Gestational Trophoblastic Disease (Nepal ECHO pdf)
Systematic reviews and Metanalysis presentation
HPV Epidemiology:Updates pdf
Vulvar Melanoma presentation
Management of Cervical Cancer < 2cm pdf
Fertility Sparing Treatment in Ovarian Cancer PDF slides
Understanding Uterine Sarcomas
Radiotherapy in Endometrial Cancer
Germline Genetic Testing for Endometrial Cancer pdf
HER2 Assessment in Gynecoligcal Malignancies
Preinvasive Lessons learned in Kenya
Advanced Vulvar Cancer
Surgical options of newly diagnosed ovarian cancer_
Total Pelvic Exenteration with Double Barrel Wet Colostomy
KEYNOTE A18: Pembrolizumab versus placebo + chemo for locally advanced cervical cancer
Unresectable Endometrial Cancer a brief overview
How to write a scientific paper and get published in JGO
Ten steps to establish a national centre for gestational trophoblastic disease
Uterine Serous Carcinoma
Adjuvant Therapy in Uterine Sarcoma
Evidence Based Medicine
Breaking Bad News
Gerogia Cintra talk in Portuguese_6.17.22
Research Meeting 7.19.2023
Serous Tumours of the Ovary
Russian translation Fertility Sparing Treatment in Ovarian Cancer PDF slides
Radiotherapy in Endometrial Cancer and Critiques of FIGO 2023
Role of radiation therapy in vulvar cancer
Role of Surgery in Recurrent Ovarian Cancer
Germline Genetic Testing for Endometrial Cancer
Updates: Self collection for HPV testing
Immunotherapy in Gynecologic Malignancies
Pelvic exenteration and lateral LEER
Epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of gestational trophoblastic disease: A Society of Gynecologic Oncology evidenced-based review and recommendation
Disparities and Inequities of Palliative Care
Uterine Sarcoma
Answerable Clinical Questions
Research Methods in Health
Tratamento do cancer de colo incial_Georgia Cintra_Feb 2022
The Genesis of Modern Uterine Cancer Treatment
Update on the Pathology of Vulvar Squamous Neoplasia
Introduction to Interstitial Brachytherapy. Role in Vulvo-Vaginal Malignancy
Introduction to Interstitial Brachytherapy. Role in Vulvo-Vaginal Malignancy
Cancer Prevention
Genetics & Ovarian Cancer
Monopolar Electrosurgery
Cervical Cancer in Nepal
Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia Treatment at the Butaro Cancer Center of Excellence in Rwanda
Cancer de Endometrio Cancer (Portuguese)
Evidence Based End of Life Care - Part 1
A Rare Case of Metastatic Mullerian Adenosarcoma
Literature Search
Research Meeting 4.20.2023 with Dr. Steller and Dr. Asima
Alternatives to the standard when brachetherapy not available_ Anuja Jhingran April 2020
Fertility Sparing Treatment for Endometrial Cancer/Hyperplasia with Atypia
Vulvar Melanoma
High Risk GTN
The Role of Nurses and midwives in Cervical Cancer Prevention
Granuloa Cell Tumor and MEMAGO ECHO
Dietary Interventions in Endometrial Cancer Treatment
Cervical Cancer in Pregnancy
How to write a manuscript
Adjuvant Radiotherapy for Endometrial Cancer
Evidence Based EOL Care Part 2
Epidemiological statistics 1
Chemotherapy Response Score_Pathologist perspecitive_Angela Ralte_June 2021_ India
Image Guided Adaptive Brachytherapy for Cervical Cancer_Wendy Chan_June 2022
Update on the Pathology of Vulvar Squamous Neoplasia
Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia Nov 2023
Preinvasive talk from Vietnam
Management of Cervical Cancer < 2 cm
Neo-adjuvant Chemotherapy in Malignant Ovarian Germ Cell Tumors
Health Care for Gynecologic Cancer Survivors
Adjuvant Therapy for High Risk Endometrial Cancer
Palliative Care in Resource Limited Country
Radiation Therapy in Vulva Cancer
Publishing in Scientific Journals Advice from Editor in Chief Pedro Ramirez_Jan 2021.mp4 C
Statistic epidemiology fundamentals 2
Emerging Developments and New Concepts in Gynaecological Pathology_ Gustavo Focchi_ April 2020
Radiation Therapy in Vulva Cancer_Ming Yin Lin_Nov 2021
Systemic therapies in management of small cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma Cervix_Ramila Shilpakar
Management of Gestational Trophoblastic Disease (Nepal ECHO)
Grade lesions
Fertility Sparing Treatment in Ovarian Cancer
Germline Genetic testing for Gynaecologists
Gestational Trophoblatic Diesease
Cervical Cancer- Associated Suffering and the Palliative Care Needed to Relieve it
Adjuvant Therapy in Ealy Stage Endometrial Cancer
Surgical Managment of Vulvar Cancer
Cytoreductive Surgery and Research in Ovarian Cancer
Palliative Care
Endocervical Adenocarcinoma Updates_Anna Plotkin_Belarus_Feb 2021
FIGO staging for cerrvix Cancer Dr Jhingran
Research and Publication Report_Dr Asima Mukhopadhyay
Statistic Epidemiology Fundamentals 3
HPV Epidemiology:Updates
Fertility Preservation before cancer treatment
ConCerv: A Prospective Trial of Conservative Surgery for Low-Risk Early-Stage Cervical Cancer
Adjuvant Treatment for Endometrial Cancer-Current Practice and Molecular Classificationn - Part 1
Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia Didactic and Reaction to Cases
Vulva Cancer (Portguese)
Sample Size
Histologic groups and patters of failure in endometrial cancer_ Kailash Narayan_May 2022
Palliative issues in cancer patients_Ramila Shilpakar_Aug 2021
Does Secondary Suregery for Recurrene of Ovarian cancer Add Survival Benefit
Treatment for precancer: consideration for using ablation or excision
Research Meeting 9.14.23
Learning from the journey to global cervical cancer elimination
ConCerv Trial: Conservative Management of Early Cervical Cancer
Endometriosis and Ovarian Cancer
Adjuvant Treatment for Endometrial Cancer-Current Practice and Molecular classificationn - Part 2
Surveillance for Survivorship care in Gynecological Oncology
Updates in the Treatment of Vaginal Cancer
Controlled clinical trials
Sexual Dysfunction and Cancer
Histologic Prognostic groups in intermediate and high risk Endometrial Cancer_ Kailash Narayan June 2020_ Nepal
Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia
Genetic Counciling and Heriditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Syndrome
Endometrial Cancer
FIGO Cervical Cancer Staging
basics of brca and brca like genes Dr. Sophia George
Introduction to Pathology of Gestational Trophoblastic Disease/Neoplasia (GTD)
Management of Rectovaginal Fistula
Observationtal Studies
Role of Pathologist in Gynae Onc MDT_ Alison Finall May 2022
Supportive Palliative Care for the Woman with Cancer_Michael Pearl
Indications and contraindictions for radiation therapy for advanced LACC, when a tumor grows in the bladder or rectum. Is Bleeding a contraindication for radiation therapy?
brca mutations of the Gynecological Oncologists Jillian O, Donnell
Malignant Tumors of Intermediate Trophoblastt: PSTTand ETT
Granulosa cell tumors of the Ovary
Management of Rectovaginal Fistusa_RVF_Baburam Dixit Thapma_Nepal May 2022
Endometrial Cancer Case
Practical Cervical Cytopathology
Systematic Reviews and Metanalysis
Integrating PARPI Therapy into the Treatment of Ovarian Cancer_
Innovative Technologies for Cervical Cancer Prevention & Treatment
Management of Gestational Trophoblastic Disease
lLaproscopic Pelvic and Aortic Node Dissection_Peter Lim April 2021.mp4o
Qualitative Research
Integration of Molecular Classification into Managment of Patients with Endometrial Carcinoma
Neville Hacker brief overview of vulvar cancer
Key Issues in Cervial Cancer Prevention and Control
Recurrent GTN
Cancer with Pregnancy_Jitendra June_2022.mp4
Pragmatic Trials
MELF in Endometrial Carcinoma
Management of Recurrent Epithelial Ovarian Cancer
Radiation Therapy in Vulva Cancer_Ming Yin Lin_Nov 2021
Key Questions in Cervical Cancer-CCRN
Changing Practice_Post-treatment cancer survelliance_Ritu Salani_March 2022.mp4
Metastatic Tumors to the Ovary
Vulvar Reconstruction_Yemi Ogunleye_didactic Vietnam April 2022
The Role of Sentinel Node Biobsy in Surgical Staging of Endometrial Carcinoma
How to get a Manuscript Published
Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer
Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Endometrial Cancer and its Value to Patients
Decreasing incidence of lower limb lymphoedema_Nevill Hacker Feb 2022.mp4
Minimally Invasive Surgery in Ovarian Cancer
Editorial Metrics
Management of Cervical Cancer and Toxicity
Sentinel Lymph Node Technique for Endometrial Cancer
ERAS_Key Concepst in Gynecologic Oncology_Gregg Nelson_ June 2022.mp4
Mucinous Ovarian Carcinoma
Editorial Process
Updates in Endometrial Carcinoma Classification
ERAS enhanded recovery after surgery _ Limor Helpman March 2020 Belarus ECHO.mp4
Ovarian Masses_RMI or Simple Rules and How to Stage Them
Modern Radiotherapy Techniques for the Treatment of Cervical Cancer
Postoperative Management of Cervical Cancer
Fertility issues and its preservatrion in Gynecologic Cancers_Ka Ya Tse_Nepal Jan 2021.mp4
Practical Management of Ovarian Tumors in Children
Gyn Malignancies_Parp Inhibitors_John Chan Vietnam Feb 2022.mp4
Primary vs Interval Debulking for Advanced Ovarian Cancer
Primary HPV for Cervical Cancer Screening
Radical Hysterctomy for Cervical Cancer
Highlights of IGCS 2021 Annual Meeting_Wesley Burkett_Nov 2021.mp4
Quality Indicators and Training for Cytoreductive Surgery
Radiotherapy for Cervical Cancer
HRT in Gyn Cancers_Joyce Varughese_Oct 2021.mp4
Tuberculosis and Ovarian Cancers_Dilemmas in Management
Radiotherapy in Cervical Cancer
Importance of Evidenced-Based Decision Making in Daily Practice_Dr Fujiwara_Mar 2021_Vietnam.mp4
Role of Minimally Invasive Surgery in Ovarian Cancer
Parametrial dissection in rad hyst_surgical QA and CERVENTES study_David Cibula_Dec 2021.mp4
Systemic Therapies in Management of Carcinoma Cervix
Secondary Cytoreduction in Ovarian Cancer
Updates to the Treatment of Recurrent Metastatic Cervical Cancer
Surgery for Ovarian Cancer
Surgical Staging for Gynecologic Cancer: Indications, Technique and Management of Complications
Tuberculosis and Ovarian Cancers_Dilemmas in Management_Anitha Thomas_April 2022
Laparoscopic management of haemorrhage_Tae Joong Kim_Xhenzhen - DO NOT USE
How to Eliminate Cervical Caner in LMIC by 2030
NCCN Guidelines _Wui-Jin_ Koh Uganda ECHO May 2020
Immunotherapy in Ovarian Cancers - What have we leart so far?
Recent Cervical Cancer Trials
Principle of Sentinal Lymph Node Biopsy_Pearl Tong March 2020 Vietnam ECHO
Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Newly Diagnosed Advanced Ovarian Cancer: Society of Gynecologic Oncology and ASCO Clinical Practice Guideline Summary
Quality indicators and training for cytoreductive surgery_Asima_MAR 2022
Ovarian Cancer didactic
Role of Sentinel node Biobsy in Surgical Staging of Endometrial Carcinoma_Quynh Tran
Sentinal mapping in Gynecolgical Cancers_Linus Chuang Dec 2021
What defines rad hyst_David Cibula_Jan 2022
Cancer Immunotherapy
Brain Metastases from Gynecologic Malignancies
Genetic testing and counselling in gynecological malignancies
Genetic testing in LMIC's
Artificial Intelligence in Gynecologic Oncology
Learning Activity Title
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Preinvasive Disease Program
Preinvasive Disease Program is an IGCS member benefit.
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Palliative Care Certificate Program (2023 Update)
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International Gynecologic Cancer Society and International Journal of Gynecological Cancer Evidence-Based Medicine for Gynecological Oncology Curriculum (EBM on the GO)
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An Evolving Frontier: Endometrial Cancer Treatment
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Emerging data in platinum resistance advanced ovarian cancer - Webinar
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Immunotherapy and its impact on overall survival in patients with recurrent endometrial cancer
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HPV-independent vulvar neoplasia: an update on evolving diagnostic criteria
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Encouraging Results Seen in Patients with Heavily Pre-Treated Low-Grade Serous Ovarian
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Learning Activity Title
Newly Opened Phase 3 Study for Low Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer - Webinar
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