Master Session: Cervical Cancer – Paving the Way to a Treatment Shift in Cervical Cancer
Domenica Lorusso (Italy) Bradley J. Monk (United States of America) Rene Pareja (Colombia) Alexandra Taylor (United Kingdom) Krishnansu Tewari (United States of America)
Why do we still discuss a disease that can be prevented? State of the art of HPV vaccines and precancerous lesion treatment
Agnaldo Lopes (Brazil)
Is cervical cancer a single disease? Pathologic and molecular characterization of a complex tumor
Kay J. Park (United States of America)
Radiotherapy in cervical cancer treatment: resource adapted standard of care
Alexandra Taylor (United Kingdom)
Bradley J. Monk (United States of America) Pedro T. Ramirez (United States of America)
Hot topics in surgery: Fertility sparing treatments, surgical staging and mini invasive surgery
Christhardt Köhler (Germany)
The role of immunotherapy in cervical cancer
Domenica Lorusso (Italy)
What next: New treatment options in the horizon scanning of cervical cancer
Krishnansu Tewari (United States of America)