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Patient and Caregiver Survivorship Survey Results: What we learned

May 25, 2023 
4:00 PM UTC (see all time zones
Duration approximately 1 hour

Join IGCS-IGCAN Advocacy Committee Members with special guests for a Patient Perspectives Roundtable webinar on May 25.

As we continue our recognition of World Ovarian Cancer Day throughout the month of May, Dr. Abhishek Shankar will provide an executive summary of the IGCS-IGCAN Gynecologic Cancer Survivorship Care Survey which was conducted earlier this year. Over 400 gynecologic cancer survivors worldwide completed the survey which included questions to help us understand their journey with the intention to develop robust and effective gynecologic cancer survivorship care plans.

We are honored to host this roundtable discussion with ovarian cancer survivors, Manisha Koirala and Eva-Maria Stromsholm who will provide their insights on survivorship care and the supportive needs of cancer patient-survivors.

Registration is FREE, but required. Attended previous IGCS webinars? If you have attended IGCS webinars in the past, you may already have an IGCS account and creating a new account is not required. If unsure of your login information, you may reset your information by selecting "Forgot Password" at login or contact
Special Guest Panelists

Manisha Koirala
Ovarian Cancer Survivor
Public Figure/Actress/Author

Eva-Maria Stromsholm, MS, RN
Eva-Maria Stromsholm, MS, RN
Rare Ovarian Cancer Survivor
Co-founder and Vice Chair of Gynecological Cancer Patients in Finland; Co-founder and member of the Nordic Gynecologic Patient Organizations Network


Daniela Luvero, MD
IGCS Advocacy Committee Chair
Gynecologic Oncologist, University Campus Bio Medico of Rome

Rosalind Glasspool, MD
Advocacy Network Vice Chair
Medical Oncologist
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and University of Glasgow

Abhishek Shankar, MD
IGCS Advocacy Committee Member
Radiation Oncologist
Secretary, Indian Society of Clinical Oncology; Assistant Professor, Department of Preventive Oncology, AIIMS, New Delhi

Supported in part by
Availability: No future session
Cost: FREE
Contact for assistance.
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