To aid in promoting and raising awareness of cervical cancers, the International Journal of Gynecological Cancer (IJGC) is offering free access to a selection of research articles and reviews from the past year.
A longitudinal study of sexual health and quality of life in endometrial carcinoma survivorsAmrita Datta et al.
Clinicopathological characteristics of multiple-classifier endometrial cancers: a cohort study and systematic reviewLuigi Antonio De Vitis et al.
Does sentinel node mapping impact morbidity and quality of life in endometrial cancer? Bruna Tirapelli Goncalves et al.
Evaluating the use of machine learning in endometrial cancer: a systematic review Sabrina Piedimonte et al.
Evaluation of the one-step nucleic acid amplification method for rapid detection of lymph node metastases in endometrial cancer: prospective, multicenter, comparative study Eleonora La Fera et al.
Evolving treatment paradigms in metastatic or recurrent low-grade endometrial cancer: When is hormonal-based therapy the preferred option? Haider Mahdi et al.
Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia: does centralization of care impact clinical management? Cristina Mitric et al.
Gynecological sarcomas, surgical management: primary, metastatic, and recurrent disease Ferron G et al.
Impact of comorbidities and extent of lymphadenectomy on quality of life in endometrial cancer patients treated with minimally invasive surgery in the era of sentinel lymph nodesGiorgia Dinoi et al.
Intrauterine manipulator use during laparoscopic hysterectomy for endometrial cancer: association for pathological factors and oncologic outcomes. Hiroshi Yoshida et al.
Long-term survival outcomes in high-risk endometrial cancer patients undergoing sentinel lymph node biopsy alone versus lymphadenectomyVito Andrea Capozzi et al.
Machine learning endometrial cancer risk prediction model: integrating guidelines of European Society for Medical Oncology with the tumor immune framework Valentina Bruno et al.
Major determinants of survival in recurrent endometrial cancer—the role of secondary cytoreductive surgery: a multicenter study Virginia Vargiu et al.
Mismatch repair status and surgical approach in apparent early-stage endometrial cancerRhett Morton et al.
Outcomes of dostarlimab versus chemotherapy in post-platinum patients with recurrent/advanced endometrial cancer: data from the GARNET trial and the National Cancer Registration Service in EnglandScott Goulden et al.
Predictive factors of sentinel lymph node failed mapping in endometrial carcinoma patients: a systematic review and meta-analysisAntonio Raffone et al.
Prognostic factors in patients with endometrial cancer with isolated lymphatic recurrenceIlaria Capasso et al.
Prognostic factors in patients with uterine sarcoma: the SARCUT studyIgnacio Zapardiel et al.
Prognostic value of isolated tumor cells in sentinel lymph nodes in low risk endometrial cancer: results from an international multi-institutional studyCucinella G et al.
Prognostic value of lymphovascular space invasion according to the molecular subgroups in endometrial cancer Franziska Siegenthaler et al.
Prophylactic anticoagulation after minimally invasive hysterectomy for endometrial cancer: a cost-effectiveness analysisSarah Bell et al.
Pulmonary resection of residual lesions of pulmonary metastasis from gestational trophoblastic neoplasiaWang W et al.
Race and ethnicity reporting in endometrial cancer literatureRaimondo D, et al.
Recurrence rates and patterns of recurrence in stage IA p53abn endometrial cancer with and without myometrial invasionAmy Jamieson et al.
Sentinel lymph node assessment in patients with atypical endometrial hyperplasia: a systematic review and meta-analysisVieira-Serna S et al.
Sentinel lymph node sampling versus full lymphadenectomy in endometrial cancer: a SEER database analysisChen Nahshon et al.
The Womb Cancer Awareness Measure (WCAM): development of an instrument to assess public awareness of endometrial cancer Olivia Jones et al.
Therapeutic role of para-aortic lymphadenectomy in patients with intermediate- and high-risk endometrial cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysisMatteo Pavone et al.
Uterine smooth muscle tumors: a multicenter, retrospective, comparative study of clinical and ultrasound features Fulvio Borella et al
Uterine transposition for fertility preservation in pelvic cancersRibeiro R et al.