How to write a scientific paper and get published ...
How to write a scientific paper and get published in JGO
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Can I start? Yeah. My topic of today is how to write a scientific paper and get published in JGO. Actually, I'm so sorry, it's IGGS conference, but I will introduce my journal. That's okay, that's okay. No offense from me, Journal of Gynecology Oncology. I think our area, gynecology oncology field, is not a big area, so it's a kind of competition between us in terms of the journal. So anyway, I am serving as an editor-in-chief of this journal. So I briefly introduced my journal at the last part of my presentation. Yeah, this contents. At the first part, I will explain briefly how to write a scientific paper. It's about 10 tips. And I will also make a comment on common mistakes many authors did. The last part, together with the introduction of journal, I briefly introduced the priority of our acceptance criteria. Okay, let me start the first part, 10 tips in medical writing. The first one is before writing. We should design our article including the scientific contents, table and figures, and also what could be our conclusion. Hopefully, it should be novel. And also, we should consider the first, what is my target journal. We should consider the journal scope and also we count journal impact factor and what is the publication feasibility and how the journal cost us. And also, we should arrange all the byline authors first and before starting your writing. And also, who could you put the main byline authors and or you just put on them as an acknowledgement. And also, you can list up your available references before you start in your draft. And the second one, I would like to tell you among the 10 tips. Keep the formatting requirement of the target journal first. This is very important, especially when you plan to submit your paper to high impact journal. Otherwise, you should get just a very fast desk rejection letter from that journal, like two hours or so. Yeah, so try to keep the basic minimum requirement of the journal. This is the very basic. Number three is keep consistency through the article. It is very helpful for you to keep the same keywords from the title, abstract and text body so that the authors cannot be confused what this meaning and what that meaning. So try to keep the same idea and concepts and also use the same words throughout the manuscript. Number four, keep scientific confidence. Actually, this is not about the tone of your sentence. This is just about your heart. Please keep confident about your study and your analysis and including your final results. Actually, in order to keep this confidence, maybe you should continue on the discussion with your supervisor and professor and also experts of this field or your specialties of your study. Number five is keep your story. It's very important, especially for the beginner of the writing. They usually tend to write as many as the previous research as possible so that it can look very much about this topic, but it is not. It just makes all the readers very confused. What is the point of this study or this manuscript? So try to be as simple as possible and also keep the flow line and one story from the beginning to the end. Every introduction, you all know this should be written in present tense and you should describe why did you start this study and what are the unmet needs and what is your question and what is your hypothesis. This is your introduction. And next, based on this hypothesis, so what you did to prove your hypothesis, this is what you are expected to describe in the material and methods. And also it should be described in past tense. And also based on this method, you can describe or write a result. A result is just a result. And after the result discussion, the first part of discussion, you summarize your own study finding very briefly and also comments on previous relevant studies and what are similarities and differences between them and yours. And also you can describe the limitation of your study and also your study strengths as well. And at the last part of discussion, you can make a clear conclusion. It should be drawn only based on your own study finding, not based on the order result of the review paper. And it should be the exact answer to your study object. So study object is this and you answer to another one. It is a very common mistake for the beginner. So try to be very careful not to do that. And number six, keep sentences short and simple. And this is already I mentioned to you. Make sentences short within 30 words in a sentence. Yeah. The shorter, the better. The longer the subject, the worse readable. Try to keep in mind. Number seven. Actually, we have a rule of 10. So this is the first rule of 10. The title is about title. Only 10% of the title readers read abstract after screening articles by title. So we should make our title as attractive as we can so that many readers can stop their scroll at my journal, my article. It should represent all of our message of the paper. And I don't recommend you have this kind of word in your title or research or study or the approach to study of or observation on or whatever. Yeah, this is a kind of unnecessary words in your title. So continue on this tip seven. Tips for title plus subtitle. This is the kind of tip, useful tip to make your title fancy and attractive. And when you should keep your title long, the colon, it helps. And many concepts or important words in the main title and minus supportive words in subtitle is a kind of tip and clear expression and less prepositions, as I mentioned earlier. And you do not use the auxiliary verb. And also, this is very discouraging to use a question mark in your title. For example, early start of dialysis has no survival benefit in the end stage of run of this patient. This is a negative sentence. So I don't think it's a good title. And where's the number eight? I keep the rule of 10, the second rule of 10. This is about only 10% of the abstract readers read the text. So finally, only 1% of Catholic readers read the text body. So objective title and good abstract may call more citations. So in order to draw many readers to the text body, you should keep your story very attractive. And by following the writing flow like this, you can make your story very fancy to all of them. And do not include any content which is not described in the text. This is the tip of you when you write an abstract. And number nine, keep the rule of the first and last. This is important when you write about introduction and discussion. So this is the iceberg theory in the text. The top of the iceberg is the introduction and the big part under the sea is the discussion. So don't try to the big part at your introduction. This is like some kind of awkward structure. So when it comes to the structure of the introduction, the first is the topic paragraph to open an article to introduce audience to the article by explain known facts by introducing some previous literature and extension paragraph and challenging. What is the difference? And what is your thought? And what is your hypothesis? And resolution paragraph, you can summarize what the authors did. So, and in terms of the discussion, you can open the discussion paragraph by characterizing core research or answering the question. Actually, this is the summary of your hypothesis and research finding. And the second paragraph, you can describe the challenge and act. This is about explaining core research one by one with the literature review very shortly and concentrating and purporting data for conclusion. And you can also mention about your limitation and stress afterwards. And finally, you can conclude your article by describing scientific conclusion in the present tense. And this is the last tips of today. Keep connecting words. Actually, linking sentence by repeating common keywords within a paragraph that keeps fluent flow of reading and easy understanding. On this right side of this slide, you can notice the example. So, this kind of repeat the keywords of the previous sentence of previous body, you can help the readers can keep the concept in their mind. And rapid drafting and slow cooking. Actually, I don't think it's a good idea it is your decision. Mostly the steps of the writing and submitting is decided by your seniors or professors. So, just to keep it in mind, but though the writing the first draft as soon as possible. Yeah. I recommend finish your drafting in one night. Yeah. Or it can make you, what is it? Knees like months or so. Yeah, very deep difference. And then after cooking the draft very slowly, you can ask the professors to have internal and external review and revision and trimming means breathe more attractive following 10 tips. And that is kind of maturing of your draft before submitting. By this process, you can make your initial draft very much matured stage. And this is common mistakes that make editors negative. One is a non-scientific language. This is very easy to use. And it's kind of a temptation. So many beginner writer can do this mistakes often. For example, we perform this approach in the easiest manner or blood loss was less than expected. And the approach was done as a routine. So it's very vague words. And what is the routine of yours? And what is your previous expectation? And what is the easiest manner? This is a scientific language. So be specific on the describing some fact and language that can be misinterpreted. I don't recommend. For example, the length of stay was very short and outstanding and minimal. Yeah, this language is also quite vague words. So try to suggest exact number. How short is short and how minimum is minimum. So please suggest exact number data with this kind of word when you use this word at least. And in the method do not say it was a prospective study if it is not. So many authors put this word prospective study at the title or in the text body, even if it is not. So if you plan a prospective study, you first register your study at the common trial registration site and then recruit the first patient. And also you should get an informed consent for every participant. And you also have set the end point before you start your study. This is a prospective study. And in the result, do not interpret the data, just the fact in the result. Interpretation, you should describe in the discussion and also in discussion, you do not repeat your result again here. Yeah, this is my first part. Can I continue? Yes. Yeah, I tried my presentation as short as possible. And this is the JGO logo and this is the first page of my journal homepage. Actually, ASEAN Society Organic Oncology Arts School is our affiliated society. And this is bimonthly journal, the JGO, and which is affiliated art school in Japanese society and also Korean society. And we also have MOU with the Canadian DOJ. And this is a principal at the least. We have 25 for now from all of the globes here. And actually, because of the base of this journal Asia, we have like two-third of us is from Asian region. And this is a general infective factor, like this one is a 3.4. Actually, this is a kind of worldwide trend after COVID-19. It is slowly decreasing or some journal infective factor is dropping. So we have to see what would be next. But the positive thing is about the JGO, is the journal rank in the category of OVGIN journal and also oncology journal. The category rank is slowly increasing, but the trend is very continuous. It's a positive thing. I would like to hope this trend continue afterwards. And this is the journal submission. At the first half of this year, China is like a 40% of submission comes from China, Mainland, and also Japan and India, and also followed by Korea or something. And acceptance rate these days of average 20%. And I said in the article, the first on the top is China. Actually, their body is huge. And this is followed by Korea and Japan. Actually, I want to describe this to all the possible potential authors. The submission classification changed from last year to this year. The number one top category is about chemotherapy, including biologic and targeted agents. Yeah, it's one fourth of our accepted paper is about that. Actually, this reflects the real worldwide trend. Our main attention is on what is the next agent which is available to our refractory disease of ovarian or uterus corpus or cervical cancer. And surgery and pathology and survivorship, including cancer prevention, those areas followed by following the systemic therapy agents. And we're charging to accepted article authors, the minimum APC is not that big. The base charge is 1,000 U.S. dollar, but we have many chances of this category here. And it also different according to the economic status of the country of the corresponding author. And this is the brief description of the journal, I mean, manuscript category we are accepting here. Definitely original article I prefer and also review article. And we also receive clinical trial protocol. And also we welcome video article when you are having clinical trial. When you have new technology or procedure when you do this surgery. And this is the last slide of mine. The number one priority is definitely a prospective study. And we prefer a clinical study to the basic research. And it should be novel. And I don't like me to study. And also it's better when it is about hot topics of the period. And also we put the second priority on the cancer statistics paper. And also we welcome a video article of novel and interesting procedures. Okay, thank you. Thank you.
Video Summary
The presentation focuses on effectively writing and publishing a scientific paper, particularly in gynecology oncology. The speaker, an editor-in-chief at a journal, presents ten crucial tips for writing a scientific paper, emphasizing clarity, consistency, and confidence. The process involves careful design, understanding journal requirements, and maintaining a consistent narrative. The presentation highlights the importance of crafting attractive titles and abstracts to increase reader interest and potential citations. It also advises on maintaining a scientific tone and avoiding common mistakes like vague language and improper study descriptions. The speaker briefly introduces their journal, the Journal of Gynecology Oncology (JGO), noting its international affiliations, impact factor trends, and publication priorities, including a preference for prospective studies and cancer statistics papers. The speaker emphasizes the journal's emphasis on novel work, especially in chemotherapy and targeted agents.
Asset Subtitle
Dong Hoon SUH
September 2024
scientific writing
gynecology oncology
journal publication
paper submission tips
Journal of Gynecology Oncology
cancer research
for assistance.