Qualitative Research
Qualitative Research
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Hello, everybody. My name is Lina Caicedo. I am a gynecologist and oncologist from Colombia. I appreciate the invitation to participate in this research course. Today, we will talk about quality research. We must start knowing what is quality research. This is definite of the set of research techniques that we use to obtain overview or behavior and perception of people about topics that we want to investigate. It helps us generate ideas that allow us to understand how problems are perceived in a population and generate options related to this problem. This design focuses on the observation of a phenomenon in a natural environment. It allows us to process data that is difficult to quantify. This does not mean that we share figures or statistics, but it does not give the first place of importance. Among the characteristics of this model, we find that it focuses on analyzing the culture and behavior of human beings and their groups from the perception and researcher. It is a basis of reflex and interview research strategy. It is a more descriptive method that focuses on interpretation, experience, and their meaning. The data derived from this type of research are not statistically mature and must be interpreted subjectively. There are five types of quality research. The first is a group interview. These have different proposals and collect very valuable information. The interview may not be individual, and it may also be in a group, for example, a focus group. The proposal is very diverse. The following is an understructured interview. It is another type of quality research. This can have a gate or open a question or direct question in a specific way. Another type of the quality observation method, which information is collected and not verbal behavior of the subject. It has advantages that allow us to study behavior more effectively performing for this action in person. We also have a no research. This requires to stay in the community that we have a student and obtain narrative information and theoretical conceptualization of the topic that we are studying. Finally, we have the analysis of social network. That will become a very important complementary tool of this type of research methods. It allows us to understand and community to, by mapping and relationship, to connect to the community. The method we wish we can quality research along interview our researcher to collect data directly for the interview. The question there are asked is the most open question, and we can create a discussion group of six to 10 people, and I've seen them over there and led the discussion. The observation process is carried out when the environment and a student community, the researcher must remain attain a text note, video, and audio recording, photograph and other similar methods, allow the safe, the information. Another method use longitudinal study. This method of data collation is done repelled to the same data store over a long period of time. There are observational research method, a last few years, and some case can last even decades. This method of data collation can last even decades. The objective of this method is to find correction down to empirical students and subject with common trails. A third case are also another method used in which data is collected. There is depth in analyze. The versatility of this method to make is possible, analyze both simple and complex use. The advantage of this method are basically that this does not require a strict design plan. If the researcher obtain more detailed data, along great freedom of an expression, the research can manage the response can intervene. It's a lot to obtain the point of view of geographically and dispersing people. The difference between quality to quantity research are, for example, the quantity is expressed in numbers. The quality is expressed in text. The same site is much larger in the quantity one that in the quality science data collection method is busted to interpret a for personal in the interaction. In the quantity, the data were analyzed to mathematical model are the quality. The data is only interpreted. The quantity confer a hypothesis and the quality explore ideas. The quantity one use closed questions and the quality and use open questions. What shows to quantity research? We must start planning to research process use the scientific method. The focus of the study must the same is allow you to add a quality colleague. The information you need and beauty is the beautiful this method is that they directly involves to the participant and never forget to have real tools to data collection. Quality research does not generate a statistic or data and the result cannot be extrapolated to general populations that science research sample is not representative to have to has not necessary with randomization selection. This method is a beautiful a metal because it is a new front to research is very you do in the in the story for a different topic. Thank you very much.
Video Summary
In this video, Dr. Lina Caicedo, a gynecologist and oncologist from Colombia, discusses quality research. Quality research involves using research techniques to understand the behavior and perception of people on certain topics. It focuses on analyzing the culture and behavior of individuals and their groups. There are five types of quality research, including group interviews, understructured interviews, observation methods, no research, and analysis of social networks. Dr. Caicedo explains the methods used in quality research, such as interviews, observations, longitudinal studies, and case studies. She also highlights the differences between quality and quantity research, emphasizing that quality research explores ideas and uses open questions. She concludes by emphasizing the importance of planning, involving participants, and using appropriate tools for data collection in quality research. No credits are mentioned in the video.
Asset Subtitle
Lina Maria Caicedo Paez
quality research
research techniques
behavior and perception
group interviews
understructured interviews
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